Walter Van der Meiren

Director, Customs Brokerage
UPS Europe

Walter Van der Meiren currently serves as Director for Customs Brokerage at UPS Europe, dealing with regulatory, training, systems and compliance.

Besides his membership of the European Express Association and the Customs Taskforce of Business Europe, he serves as Chairman of the Customs and Trade Facilitation Committee at Amcham EU and vice-chair of its Brexit Task Force.

Walter represents trade at the EU Commission DG Taxud’s Trade Contact Group and is a subject matter expert in different customs working groups from the European Commission.

He is the proud winner of the ICC’s Customs Professional Award 2020 and received the WCO’s Certificate of Honor for rendering exceptional service to the international Customs Community.

With more than 35 years’ experience in working with customs in different continents, Walter is a passionate believer in fair and sustainable free trade.