Presenter(s): Walter Mitchell
Company Description: Teknowlogi is an Applied intelligence company focused on easy to use Transportation and Logistics Automation Software that connects you, your customers, and your carriers. At the core of our DNA, we believe every organization in the industry can-and-should operate at the most perfect version of itself. It is our mission to build and deliver Teknowlogi solutions that make this possible.
Product Being Demoed:
Main Topics:
Description of Demo Product: We will spend a short few minutes introducing Teknowlogi and how we are different in the marketplace. Our goal is to show how we can use automation powered by AI to analyze data, recommend solutions, and then execute. We will continue our discussion around creating a balance between Art and Science, the methods used and how that supports the company’s goals. We will finish up our time with some AI Can Help Examples that are practical and that most companies can understand.